How did I end up in this mess?!? O_o

Drawn by: @ScottyAfterDrk
Bound, Breath Control, Ball Crushing, Electro, and Catheter. I was having a really good time! ^_^
@ShadowTiger201 (Pup Fang)
Hi guys! I will be in Atlanta, GA this weekend, this Wednesday through Monday, and am interested in hooking up with anyone interested in bondage play. Mostly looking for someone in the Top/Dom role. Hit me or my partner, Bull, up if you are interested!
Telegram: Pup_Comet
Pup Bull: Telegram: pupbull Twitter: @Pup_bull
….got hit my a car and woke up like this. I feel @Pup_bull is responsible.
By the way, This is Bullet, the Pandeer, One of my Fursonas. First time being tied up in Fursuit! ^_^