Author: Comet
W-where do you get your masks? I’m a reawwy shy pup and I don’t reawwy know where to go..:x *wiggles*
Full link will take ya right to the hoods ^.^
What made you want to be a pup.
Actually i saw puppy play first in porn and thout it was interesting so i looked into it ^.^
Aroo! First off, you’re so sexy! Secondly, how long were you in the military for?
Neither of us have actually been in the military, we just have an interest in the gear…im way to stubborn and would never make it in military life xD
I just love you both so much ❤️ I wish I could have a relationship like you guys
Well neither of us were expecting a relationship like we have…so just do ur thing and the right one will come along ^.^