Category: Blog
How did you know Comet is the one?
Cause he’s my puppybutt….we get along wonderfully, we are both easy to talk to for each other, and we can discuss our differences without getting upset and angry, and most importantly we allow each other to be whoever they want
With work taking up a good portion of my life so sometime I get too tried to get into the headspace, even though I want to. So how do you get into the pup headspace on a tiresome day?
It’s a bit easier because there’s 2 of us so we can wrestle, play, ect…but mitts, hood, and a tail help Comet out a lot
How does Comet tease you?
How DOESNT he tease me? Will get me hard and walk away, has days he wants me hard 24/7, he teaseingly bend over or lean up against something while I’m busy…u name it